Monday, November 10, 2014


Life has been nothing if not extremely busy and stressful lately, I am just counting down the days until I get to hop on a plane and head home to Minnesota for Thanksgiving weekend. I'm hoping to find some time and a non-rainy day so I can take some outfit photos soon but until then more non-traditional posts will have to do.

Here are the things that have been brightening up my last few weeks!

I. am. obsessed. with. this. book. One of my good friends gave it to me for my birthday this year, which was only about two weeks ago, and since then I don't think a day has gone by that I haven't made time to read at least one chapter in it. It's witty and smart and funny and honest and exactly what I need to be reading right now. It's nice to hear the stories and advice on love, body image, friendship, etc from a girl who is older than me, but not so much that I can't relate to her on basically every level. I really can't recommend this book enough, I feel like all of my conversations lately just end in HAVE YOU READ LENA DUNHAM'S BOOK? (my enthusiasm usually either excites or terrifies people)
So read it. 

I have been a long time Taylor Swift fan, and completely unashamed of it, but I've never felt quite as obsessed with her music as I do right now. When 1989 came out I didn't listen to anything else for a straight week (I really am not exaggerating, I forgot what other music sounded like). Finally, I feel like I have sufficiently binged on the album now, and also have all of the songs memorized, so that I can listen to it a normal amount now (at least twice a day). My favorite songs are: Style, Wildest Dreams, and I Know Places. Again, the music on this album is especially important to me right now,  similarly to how Lena's book is speaking to me. #iwanttobebestfriendswithtaylor

I wouldn't normally call myself a huge fan of cream blush - I've had phases where I got really into wearing it but it was usually during the summer when didn't mind about my makeup lasting all day or not (because cream blushes usually never do) but this Clinique Chubby Cheek Stick may have just changed me. My mom sent it to me for my birthday and I've been wearing it pretty regularly since then. The color I have, Roly Poly Rosy, is a really beautiful mid tone rose color that blends out into a really nice natural "I've just been out in the cold color", but I'm most impressed with the staying power and how blendable the product is. I usually do my makeup at around 9 am every morning and don't take it off until about 11 pm and this blush lasts the WHOLE DAY LONG. That combined with the fact that it doesn't take off my face makeup when I blend it onto my cheeks has caused me to reach for it most mornings while getting ready. I think the next time I find myself in a Sephora I might have to check out the other colors. 

That's all for me at the moment! What have you been loving?

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