Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Turtlenecks & Tartan

"Time will change it, I'm well aware, as winter changes the trees" - Emily Bronte

What I Wore: [Top: Gap, Skirt: Vintage (similar), Boots: Franco Sarto (similar), Earrings: J. Crew (similar), Lipstick: Bite Beauty "Cranberry"] 

I can't believe Christmas is already here, it seems like the weeks leading up to the holidays are always  such a blur, making it so that once break finally begins and I get to lay around watching Love, Actually with my dog for three days straight even better than usual. Since I go to school so far away from home being able to come home and be around my entire family at Christmastime is very special to me and something I look forward to all year. For my family, Christmas means food, movies, moon-lit walks through our woods, board games, and more food - AND I LOVE IT. 

Since Christmas day is usually spent in my footie pajamas, or some other comfy equivalent, I try to be a bit more festive on Christmas Eve. Granted, in my family all holidays are extremely casual so this is an outfit that I would just wear to class or any day of the week really, but I thought the tartan print wool skirt and cozy turtle neck made it feel a bit more Christmas-y than my usual "warm dress and black tights" option that I've been known to go for in the past. 

I hope you all have a lovely holiday season, are surrounded by those you love, are perpetually stuffed with delicious food and drink, and get some time to relax before gearing up to take on the new year! 

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Girls Online

If you follow me on any of my other social media sites, or know me in person, you may already know that for the past three months I've been working on a short documentary for one of my classes this semester. Naturally, the film is about blogging - hence why I am writing a post about it. When we were asked in September to come up with an idea of a documentary to pitch to the other students in the class my mind went almost immediately to blogging - it's something I'm passionate about, it's something that is really relevant for my generation, and it's something that not everyone knows a whole lot about. It turned out that the people in my class thought it sounded just as interesting as I did, and my topic was chosen to be one of the six films produced for the semester (out of 24!). 

I knew right away that I wanted to feature my two favorite Portland based bloggers, Tonya from The Moptop and Michelle from Hummingbird High. Once my group and I got in touch with Tonya and Michelle and they agreed to be apart of the film we got to work planning out our vision for the film, preparing interview questions and shot lists, and creating schedules for filming and editing. After that everything just seemed to fall into place somehow. Although it was a long process and at times a stressful one I can't explain how rewarding it's been. Getting to work with and learn from these two incredibly inspiring bloggers has been amazing, they were both so kind, helpful, and willing to talk about their stories and experiences in front of the camera - which I am so grateful for!

And now we have a finished product! It feels weird to finally be done (although I am excited for no more late night in the windowless editing studios). The big reveal in which our whole class will screen our films isn't until tomorrow night, but I just couldn't wait until then to share it - so here it is!

Friday, December 19, 2014

Just A Touch Of Sparkle

What I Wore: [Jacket - old Target (similar), Sweater - old Zara (similar), Skirt - J. Crew, Oxfords - Minelli (similar), Lip Color - Nars "Dolce Vita" Lipgloss]

I love Portland because I can wear a short sleeved sweater and skirt with just a leather jacket draped over my shoulders on December 7th and be WARM - this is madness to me, especially compared to how I was dressed while being at home in my last post. 

I wore this outfit on Sunday for a day of eating, shopping, and play attending with my mom while she was in town over the weekend. On Friday and Saturday night I had the final performances for the dance show that I have been rehearsing for all semester (so so so much fun, my favorite part of every fall semester) - and my mom flew all the way out to Portland to see me dance! (She really is the best person I know). We spent the remaining parts of the weekend eating a lot of fantastic food, doing a good bit of shopping, and overall just enjoying each other's company. It was so nice to be able to take a break from everything school related right before finals start and spend a weekend doing things I love with people I love.

Now, off to tackle all the homework I've put off until Sunday night!

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

4 Degrees

What I Wore [Shirt: American Eagle (similar), Skirt: American Apparel, Fleece Tights: Target, Boots: Lucky Brand, Bag: Madewell, Coat: Lands End (similar), Hat: American Apparel, Earrings: J. Crew (similar)] 

Hello! It's been a while but I'm happy to have another outfit to post. Life for the past few weeks has been crazy and will continue to be until the end of the semester but I was able to fly home on Wednesday so that I could spend Thanksgiving weekend at home in Minnesota - I couldn't be happier for a little time away from everything. 

I was definitely not prepared for just how cold it was going to be when I got home, so when I walked outside to take these photos and it was 4 degrees I immediately turned around and went back inside because there was no way I was going to stand outside and smile without the coat. Hence why I look like a large burnt (very cozy) marshmallow. But, I do love any chance to wear this hat so it's not a total loss.

Anyway, I hope you all had a lovely Thanksgiving and got to relax, eat a shameful amount of pie, and spend it with people you love! The countdown to Christmas begins!!